Prevention of violence in the partnership
In the context of the Orange Campaign 2022 & 2023, Soroptimist International of Europe (SIE) clubs will raise awareness of the signs of a toxic relationship that will most likely end badly, in the form of physical violence.
We believe that violence should not happen in the first place and that it can be prevented by knowing the warning signs.
What about YOU? Have you noticed any of the following signs in your romantic relationship?
READ THE SIGNS and reflect on them!
If you repeatedly observe these behavioral signs, then you should question the relationship. These are the first signs of dominance, which could end in psychological and even physical violence.
What should you do if you realize you may be in a toxic relationship?
… then it’s time to act! You have to talk to a friend or another trustworthy person.
With the following link you can get professional help in YOUR COUNTRY:
For Switzerland: